Shield and Song
The Guard Challenge Song by Bonnie Paine '64 This
recording was done at the Jr. League on December 13, 2014 as we celebrated Nancy West Herbster's 50th year
with the Imperial Guard.
Our Praetorian Creed by Bettye Williams '62 "By this creed, I pledge my allegiance to the Waltrip Imperial Guard. As those before me have done, I will, to the best of my ability, uphold the standards and ideals of this organization. May the end always crown our work, and God willing, may it last forever. " A Guard Girl's Prayer, by Beth Christopher Bellow '68 and Beverly McDonald Scott '68 Thank you, dear Lord, for the many blessings You have bestowed upon this organization. Bless each and every member--bless us all. Help me to keep in mind our motto, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall". Help me to grow in love and friendship and to respect my fellow members. Guide me so that I may use my mind and ability in the best possible way; and that I may put forth my very best efforts each and every day. Help me to talk and speak in a Christian manner so that I may set a good example for others. Help me to better accept criticism and defeat so that I will be better in future years; and to perform my duties as justly as possible and forget all fears. Help me to fulfill all obligations and to uphold my rights and responsibilities. Show me the way to remain responsive to the needs of the organization; and to be consisistently overflowing with service and dedication. Guide me to stay firm to the conviction that our system can be effective only to the extent that it has the confidence and support of its members. Direct me to use original ideas and my own power of creation; and to 'uphold the standards and ideals of ths organization." If You will help me to remain physically healthy, spiritually wealthy, and mentally wise, if You can help me to remain morally strong and to prevent my friends from being offended, that I, Dear God, will be the faithful Guard girl that You intended. Amen. |