Jr. League Surprise for Nancy
On December 13, 2014 Nancy West Herbster was surprised! She thought she was attending an Alumnae Board Holiday
get together and she was greeted with over 40 guard alumnae and friends to celebrate her 50 years with the Guard. Testimonies
were given, heartfelt and in fun with a good time had by all. Lots of visiting.... She was given a rendition of our
helmet with all 1450 guard member names (1960-1982) as well as flowers. A blanket (60 x 80) with the helmet was displayed
as well as poster size helmet and many of the members ordered or purchased one or both. You can also purchase them for
yourself by going to the purchase tab or the trademark tab. We concluded by singing the Guard Challenge Song... Go
to the Shield and Song tab... you can hear us... pretty good! Here are the pictures and more will be posted... Thank
you for all that attended and Thank you to all who sent Nancy a card. You are always welcome to send a card, drop us a note.
Hope to see you at the next event...January 23 at the SPJST Lodge--Casino Night!
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